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Sim Racing Leagues and Competitions - How to Get Started in 2023

Sim Racing Leagues and Competitions - How to Get Started in 2023

Table of Contents
  1. Getting Started with Sim Racing
  2. Figure Out the Sim Racing Games You Want to Play
  3. Decide Your Sim Racing Platform
  4. Things to Consider While Setting Up a Racing Simulator
  5. Sim Racing Pedals
  6. Sim Racing Steering Wheel and Wheelbase
  7. Simulation Cockpit and Racing Seat
  8. Sim Gloves, Handbrakes, and Other Accessories
  9. What is Your Sim Racing Budget?
  10. Hire a Sim Racing Mentor
  11. Sim Racing Leagues and Competitions
  12. Final Thoughts

Man competing in a motion sim racing rig

Competing in a Sim Racing League

Sim racing, an advanced and fiercely competitive sport, offers an exhilarating gaming experience like no other.

With detailed tire models, accurate suspension geometry, and lifelike tracks, sim racing transports you into a realm where physics mirrors reality. So authentic are these simulations that even well-renowned motorsports teams like Ferrari rely on them to train their drivers before they hit the real tracks.

As sim racing continues to surge in popularity, its impact has been magnified by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. When traditional motorsport events were indefinitely halted, motorsport drivers turned to sim racing for ongoing development, practice, and online competitive tournaments.

As such, in this article, we provide a detailed guide on “Sim Racing Leagues and Competitions: How to Get Started”. From buying sim racing pedals to setting up your very own racing simulator, you can find everything here. So, stay tuned with us till the end!

1. Getting Started with Sim Racing

If it is your first time starting with sim racing, setting up a racing simulator can seem a very daunting task. There are many factors to consider and even more when it comes to buying the right equipment.

POV of a triple monitor racing simulator

Triple Monitor Sim Racing Rig

For instance, sim racing pedals for a racing simulator alone fall into 4 distinct categories: Potentiometer, Hall-Effect, Load Sensor, and Hydraulic Pedals; where each category of sim racing pedal perfectly caters to the needs of different types of sim racers.

And just like that, with literally thousands of possible setups, several platforms and so many championships to take part in, getting started with sim racing can become quite complicated.

However, there’s no need to worry. Just follow the steps below and soon you’ll be taking part in your very first sim racing leagues and competitions!

2. Figure Out the Sim Racing Games You Want to Play

Selecting the perfect sim racing game is the first step on your path to becoming a skilled virtual racer. As a fellow racing enthusiast, I understand the importance of finding a game that resonates with your preferences.

Asseto Corsa Homepage image

Assetto Corsa

Therefore, take a moment to envision the cars and car types that you like the most, the ones that make your heart race with anticipation. An equally important point to consider is the tracks that stir your racing spirit, those where you long to unleash your skills and conquer every twist and turn.

Remember, there's no single "ultimate" sim racing title, as we all have our own unique tastes and desires. However, allow me to share some notable gems cherished by sim racing enthusiasts globally:

All these games have earned a well-deserved reputation for delivering immersive and realistic experiences. As such, we recommended you try out these first while taking part in sim racing leagues and competitions.

3. Decide Your Sim Racing Platform

You now stand at the crossroads where you must make a crucial decision: choosing the platform that will shape your sim racing experience. Are you a PC gamer or a console enthusiast? Well, the choice of game you made above is going to play an important role here.

Single monitor sim racing setup for console

Sim racing setup – console

Console options encompass the popular realms of PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S, while PC offers a diverse landscape of racing opportunities. Although the final decision ultimately boils down to personal preferences, here are 2 key takeaways:

  • PC has a diverse library of supported sim racing games and
  • PC also supports multiscreen display outputs

However, at the same time, setting up a PC racing simulator can be a more costly endeavour compared to the console alternative. Powerful GPUs and beefy processors are essential to handle the demands of multiple screens while delivering optimal frame rates, ensuring a truly immersive experience.

We dove deep into the comparisons of sim racing on PC vs  Console in another article, you can find it here.

4. Things to Consider While Setting Up a Racing Simulator

After choosing your desired game and before diving into the process of setting up your racing simulator, it's vital to ask yourself a fundamental question: "How seriously do you intend to take your sim racing?"

Whether you see it as a casual hobby or a passionate sport where you strive to dominate the leaderboard, your answer will shape the components required for your rig setup.

 Image of a sim racing cockpit with controls components

Racing Simulator Basic Components

Understanding your level of commitment will guide you in making informed decisions about the necessary equipment to enhance your sim racing experience. So, take a moment to reflect on your aspirations and let them steer you toward building the perfect rig that aligns with your ambitions.

Below is a detailed overview of the equipment you need to set up your racing simulator.

5. Sim Racing Pedals

Close up image of sim racing pedals

Sim Racing Pedals

When it comes to the core components of your racing simulator, sim racing pedals take the pole position. These pedals serve as the gateway to an immersive racing experience, allowing you to precisely control throttle, brake, and clutch inputs. Following are its 4 distinct types.

  • Potentiometer Pedals: These sim racing pedals use a traditional potentiometer mechanism to measure pedal position. While they provide a basic level of functionality, they lack the precision and consistency required for highly competitive racing and may become less responsive over time. For instance, Fanatec’s CSL Elite Pedals V2 are budget-friendly potentiometer pedals.
  • Hall Effect Pedals: The introduction of Hall Effect sensors brings improved accuracy and durability to the table. These sensors use magnetic fields to detect movement in the sim racing pedal, resulting in enhanced responsiveness and a more reliable racing experience. Currently, Fanatec’s Clubsport Pedals V3 Inverted is one of the best Hall Effect pedals in the market.
  • Load Cell Pedals: Load cell technology revolutionizes sim racing pedals by employing strain gauges to measure the force applied to the pedal. This advanced mechanism offers exceptional sensitivity and realism, mimicking the feel of actual brake pedals in real-world racing cars. As such, load cell pedals allow for precise modulation and improved consistency. Check out Thrustmaster T-LCM Pro Pedals here that incorporate Load Cell tech.
  • Hydraulic Pedals: At the forefront, hydraulic pedals provide an unparalleled level of realism, offering progressive resistance that simulates the feel of actual hydraulic brakes. Consequently, hydraulic pedals deliver exceptional precision, making them a top choice for professional racers seeking an authentic experience. For example, Meca EVO1 Hydraulic Pedal Set is one the best hydraulic pedals out there.

6. Sim Racing Steering Wheel and Wheelbase

The dynamic duo of sim racing wheels and wheelbases forms the heart and soul of your racing simulator setup. These two components combine to deliver the ultimate control and immersion as you tear through virtual tracks.

Sim racing wheels are physical steering wheels, akin to one you would normally find in any car. These are the primary means of steering and controlling your virtual vehicle.

F1 style sim racing steering wheel up close with someone gripping the handles

F1 Style Rim Racing Wheel

They come in various shapes and sizes, with a range of buttons and functionalities to enhance your simulation experience. From adjustable force feedback to customizable button layouts, these wheels offer a multitude of options to cater to your preferences and racing style. As of now, Thrustmaster Ferrari SF1000 Edition offers one of the best mid-range sim racing wheel experiences.

Wheelbases serve as the foundation for your sim racing wheel, providing stability and mounting options. They come in three main types: gear-driven, belt-driven, and direct drive.

Gear-driven wheelbases are the cheapest of all and utilize gears to transmit force feedback effects from the game to your hands. On the other hand, belt-driven wheelbases are mid-tier and employ a belt mechanism to deliver force feedback.

As such, they offer smoother and more precise force feedback, resulting in a more immersive racing experience. Lastly, direct-drive wheelbases represent the pinnacle of sim racing technology. These high-end bases utilize a direct motor connection to deliver unparalleled force feedback and precision.

The Moza R16 Direct Drive Wheelbase is currently one of the best-performing and affordable direct drive wheelbases in the market.

7. Simulation Cockpit and Racing Seat

A complete simulation rig is a better alternative to wheelbases. Besides mounting your steering wheel, a simulation rig also allows you to mount your monitor, racing seat, as well as other peripherals such as handbrakes.

While a simulation rig may not directly boost your skills, they play a crucial role in enhancing your overall sim racing experience which can lead you to perform better. More Comfortability, Enhanced Immersion, and High Customization are just a few of the amazing benefits.

Red PLayseat formula intelligence racing sim cockpit

Playseat F1 Cockpit Frame

The simulation rig and racing seat are designed with your comfort in mind, ensuring prolonged gaming sessions remain enjoyable. Proper seating posture minimizes fatigue and promotes concentration, allowing you to maintain peak performance throughout your virtual races. For instance, Trak Racer’s GT Style Fixed Fiberglass Seat is presently the fan-favourite of sim racers.

Moreover, the right simulation rig and racing seat combination can envelop you in a realm of unparalleled immersion, enabling you to feel every twist, turn, and rumble of the virtual track. By providing a stable platform for your sim racing peripherals, they allow you to fully engage with the race and respond intuitively to every nuance of the game.

In addition, the ability to adjust your seat positions, tilt, and height enables you to find the perfect ergonomic setup. Furthermore, some high-end simulation rigs feature integrated mounts for additional accessories like gear shifters, handbrakes, or button boxes, enabling you to create a personalized and efficient control layout.

8. Sim Gloves, Handbrakes, and Other Accessories

These extra peripherals are not mandatory but nice to have additions in finalizing your racing simulator. Sim gloves enable you to have a firm hold on your steering wheel. The tactile feedback they offer brings you closer to the sensation of gripping a genuine racing wheel, making every turn and maneuver feel more realistic. If you need some, you can check out Simhound’s black Sim gloves here.

Moreover, especially for rally enthusiasts and drift fanatics, a dedicated handbrake can prove to be a game-changer. This accessory allows you to execute precise and thrilling handbrake turns, adding an extra layer of excitement to your sim racing repertoire.

Close up image of a pair of Sparco sim racing gloves

Sparco Sim Racing Gloves

And just like that, there are other several optional add-ons that you can equip your racing simulator with. All such accessories offer personalization options and additional functionality, allowing you to fine-tune your controls and replicate the feel of a real racing car!

9. What is Your Sim Racing Budget?

Now that you know about sim racing games, platforms, and equipment needed, such as sim racing pedals, let’s shift our attention to the important aspect of setting up your racing simulator: your budget.

As you embark on this exciting journey, it's crucial to analyze your financial resources and determine how much you can allocate to your sim racing setup. Your budget will play a significant role in shaping the type of racing simulator you can create and the components you can invest in.

Piggy bank and calculator budgeting image

Answer to questions such as Are you approaching sim racing as a casual hobby or do you have aspirations of building a career in the virtual racing world? Can you afford to spend a chunk of cash or are you on a tight budget?

As such, by carefully analyzing your budget and aligning it with your sim racing goals, you can create a setup that meets your needs without breaking the bank.

Remember: sim racing is about enjoying the thrill of the virtual track, and your dedication and skills will shine through regardless of the price range of your equipment!

10. Hire a Sim Racing Mentor

Before you plunge into sim racing leagues and competitions, consider hiring a sim racing mentor if you are serious about taking your sim racing to the next level and building a career in this highly competitive sport.

Redbull F1 racing team

Redbull F1 Team

A skilled coach can be a game-changer, helping you refine your racing skills and providing invaluable insights into the intricate world of motorsports. They possess the knowledge and experience to guide you through the nuances of racing techniques, car setups, and track strategies.

From understanding racing jargon to fine-tuning your racing lines, a mentor can accelerate your progress and help you reach new heights in sim racing.

However, if sim racing remains a leisurely pursuit for you, and you are content with enjoying it as a hobby, hiring a mentor may not be necessary. The choice ultimately depends on your aspirations and level of commitment to the sport.

11. Sim Racing Leagues and Competitions

Congrats! If you have fulfilled all the steps so far, you are all good to go and take part in your very first sim racing leagues and competitions.

These opportunities offer an exciting avenue for sim racers to showcase their skills, compete against top-notch drivers, and even earn a handsome amount of cash prizes along the way. For instance, F1 eSports Pro Series 2020 held a lucrative $750,000 prize pool!

3 cars competing in sim racing eSports

Sim Racing Esports

These organized events provide a platform where passionate racers can connect, challenge each other, and push their limits. You can join existing leagues like the World Sim Series with its impressive prize pools, or participate in spaces like iRacing's official competitions where the best drivers from around the world converge. You can also join spaces that can be found on social media sites such as Facebook.

12. Final Thoughts

Sim racing leagues and competitions offer a thrilling and competitive environment for racing enthusiasts. Whether you're seeking to turn your passion into a career or simply looking for an exciting hobby, sim racing provides the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of virtual motorsports.

With the right equipment, dedication, and participation in leagues and competitions, you can experience the adrenaline of racing, connect with fellow racers, and even earn recognition and rewards.

What do you think? Share your thoughts with us here at G-Force Gaming and let us know in the comments below!


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